Taliban portraits

Shirullah Badri has been a Taliban fighter for most of his life. He paid a heavy price in the war, losing three brothers along with other relatives and friends.
During that time, he had one focus: To expel foreign forces, especially the U.S., from Afghanistan.
Overnight on Aug. 15, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan became the Islamic Emirate, ruled by the Taliban. In this new era, Badri has a new mission: To keep the peace.
Badri, who is in his late 20s, was made chief of Kabul’s District 12 police station.
Under the Taliban’s watch, Afghanistan will be different, he says. Under the previous, internationally backed government, robberies and kidnappings were common. “In our government we won’t allow anyone to be involved in corruption,” he said.
In Kabul, the Taliban are ruling over a population eager for an end to crime and corruption. But many also fear the former insurgents will impose the same strict version of Islamic law they did last time in power, in the 1990s. That meant everything from hand amputations for thieves to beatings for those who cut their beards, removal of women from public life and banning of most music and entertainment.
In police districts across Kabul, young fighters emerging fresh from the battlefields are now patrolling the streets of the Afghan capital.
Some wear the uniforms left behind by the U.S.-assisted Afghan forces they deposed.
“As long as we live, we will be the Islamic Emirate,” Badri said.
Shirullah Badri
Police chief of district 12, Badri says he’s been a Taliban for most of his life. He lost his three brothers and many close friends in the war.
Hizbullah Fath, 25
Fath spent 3 years in jail and has been with the Taliban for 8 years.
Abdul Rahim Nizami
Nizami is a deputy police chief of district 10.
Osman, 20
Osman is holding his AK-47 rifle and a wearing a new Taliban-flag headband on top of his scarf.
Harris Al-Baghlani, 26
Al-Baghlani studied religion, politics and is a trained sniper. He has been a Taliban since he was 14 years old.
Gullam Sabur, 25
Nazir Ahmed, 22
Ahmed is from Parwan province and has been with Taliban forces for 5 years.
Mohammad Adel, 43
Adel is from a village near Kabul and has been a Taliban for more than 20 years. He says he went into hiding after US forces entered Afghanistan.
Briali Badri
Badri is wearing the former Afghanistan army uniform he found left behind by soldiers of the previous government after the Taliban took control of Kabul.

Visual artist and Digital Storyteller at The Associated Press