AP photographer Natacha Pisarenko honored by Pictures of the Year International

Natacha Pisarenko, AP’s chief photographer for the Southern Cone countries of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile, won first place for her photograph "Standing in a Doorway" and an Award of Excellence for "Zoo Crisis" from Pictures of the Year International.
Pisarenko’s haunting images decict caged animals languishing in a 140-year-old Argentinian zoo as noisy renovations to turn the zoo into a park go on around them.
Born in Buenos Aires, Pisarenko has covered major news and sports events in Latin America and around the world. She studied photography at the city’s School of Photographic Arts and began her photojournalism career at La Nacion, one of Argentina’s largest newspapers.
Video by Paul Byrne | Edited by Dario Lopez-Mills

Visual artist and Digital Storyteller at The Associated Press