Tales from the border: Day 8
There are more than 650 miles of the existing fence, wall and vehicle barriers along the nearly 2,000-mile US-Mexico border. A segment of new fencing is being erected by the U.S. government outside El Paso, Texas, just west of the New Mexico state line. Residents on the Mexico side estimate 15 to 20 panels go up daily.
A map showing Juarez Valley, Mexico, near the US-Mexico border.
The AP has sent the team of reporter Christopher Sherman and photographer Rodrigo Abd on a nearly two-week journey along the entire length of the US-Mexico border, to bring us fresh voices and images from both sides of these vast and varied borderlands and see what is happening on the ground.
For day 8 of Tales from the border, photos of the existing border fence by AP photographer Rodrigo Abd.
Text by Christopher Sherman & photos by Rodrigo Abd
Sherman and Abd will update their travelogue with regular text entries, photographs and videos.
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Visual artist and Digital Storyteller at The Associated Press